Labyrinthos Library
Specialised Sources & Academic Studies -
The earliest labyrinths in Europe are preserved as rock-
Anati, Emmanuel. Camonica Valley. London: Jonathan Cape, 1964.
Anati, Emmanuel. Evoluzione e stile nell'Arte rupestre camuna. Capo di Ponte, Italy: Edizioni del Centro, 1975.
Bradley, Richard. Rock Art and the Prehistory of Atlantic Europe. London & New York: Routledge, 1997.
Costas Goberna, Fernando Javier; José Manuel Hidalgo Cuñarro & Antonio de la Peña Santos. Arte Rupestre no Sur da Ría de Vigo. Vigo, Spain: Instituto de Estudios Vigueses, 1999.
Kern, Hermann. Through the Labyrinth, ed. Robert Ferré & Jeff Saward. Munich: Prestel, 2000.
Kraft, John. "Labyrinth Construction" Caerdroia 25 (1992), p.41.
Kraft, John. "The Queen's Medals" Caerdroia 28 (1997), pp.24-
Lundén, Staffan. "Labyrinth Construction" Caerdroia 24 (1991), pp.24-
Lundén, Staffan. "The Labyrinth in the Mediterranean" Caerdroia 27 (1996), pp.28-
Peña Santos, Antonio de la & J.M.Vázquez Varela. Los Petroglifos Gallegos. La Coruña, Spain: Edicios Do Castro, 1979.
Peña Santos, Antonio de la & Fernando J. Costas Goberna. "Los laberintos de tipo cretense en los grabados rupestre galaicos" Boletín del Instituto de Estudios Vigueses VI: 6 (2000), pp.283-
Rigoglioso, Marguerite. "The Oldest Labyrinth in the World? The Polyphemus Cave Paintings" Caerdroia 29 (1998), pp.14-
Saward, Abegael. "The Rocky Valley Labyrinths" Caerdroia 32 (2001), pp.21-
Saward, Jeff. Labyrinths & Mazes. London: Gaia Books, 2003 & New York: Lark Books, 2003.
Zanettin, A.-
Zanettin, A.-
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